Talbot Village Trust Times

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About us

We transform lives, enable impact and empower people and communities across east Dorset.  

In the 1840's, Georgina and Mary Anne Talbot embarked on a mission to transform the lives of people living in poverty in Bournemouth and Poole.

More than 170 years later, their ambitious vision continues through the work of Talbot Village Trust, a charity inspired by the powerful social purpose of its founders.

Through our dedicated Board and Executive Team, we award more than £1million a year to charities working to improve the quality of life for people across South East Dorset. Twice a year, we distribute funds to good causes within our area, with no application or project too small.

Our trust also maintains land and property, including the Village created by the sisters, an historic conservation area that continues to provide much-needed local accommodation.

We back exceptional causes, charities and organisations that support people to live well; delivering impact, amplifying lesser-heard voices, and inspiring social change through work that matters.

— Caroline Cooban, CEO

We provide a variety of support to those who need it the most.


We provide grant funding, donations and loans to charities and purpose-led organisations that deliver impact locally.

Educational support 

We support educational settings and initiatives that help children and young people unlock their potential, providing access to high quality teaching and learning.

Homes and accommodation

We offer supported accommodation and subsidised housing for rent in the local area, either ran by ourselves or by charitable housing organisations on our behalf.

Valued-added support

Through our connections, networks and staff team on the ground, we champion those making positive change; promoting their work and helping them to build a sustainable future.

Green spaces and sustainability

We steward woodland spaces, a SSSI-designated heath, and agricultural land. Our estate includes green spaces, with a focus on sustainability for present and future generations.

Leased land and property 

We rent land and property to individuals and institutions for a range of uses, including accommodation and education-related purposes.

In 2024 we funded a range of causes:


Grants awarded


Total awarded


Over the last decade