Talbot Village Trust Times

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Extraordinary places, people and opportunities provide a transformative means for change.

In 2021, we explored some of the key issues facing Dorset, both now and in the future.

Download the 2050 Report

Our Dorset 2050 report captures the voices of those living and working in our area, as well as those of over 70 leading experts and practitioners in areas of health and wellbeing, social care, charity, and local government. Following this report, our trustees agreed to commit funding to three key priorities:

  • Climate change awareness
  • Mental health support
  • Educational exclusion

For the latest updates, please visit the Application Form page.

Our ambitions

Systemic change

Address those more complex and difficult problems facing our society recognising that long term systemic change is more challenging than programmatic funding.

Support of marginalised groups

Ensure that marginalised groups are not failed or hidden from view and amplifying the voice of those less often seen and heard.

Unrestricted funding

Be open to offering core, unrestricted funding for organisations, recognising that some may need support to get through particularly challenging times or to scale up operations.

Cross-sector collaboration

Work more closely with others to support charities and related organisations, enhancing cross-sector coordination and communication.

“We wanted to learn more about the world we live in and what this may look like in the future, hearing from experts in the immediate area, as well as those living and working across the whole county.”

— Nick Ashley-Cooper

We offer a range of funding, supporting capital projects, initiatives that meet with our strategic criteria, and annual contributions to causes within our area of benefit.

Direct grants

These can be for capital, project or revenue-funded items.

Strategic priorities

  • Climate change / environmental community action
  • Promoting mental health and wellbeing
  • Tackling educational exclusion

Annual regular giving to Talbot Village

  • St Mark’s CE Primary School
  • St Mark’s CE Church
  • University Chaplaincy

If you’d like to apply for a direct grant, your scheme can be of any size – but it must support local people. 
When you apply, your organisation will need to prove that it has - or can raise at least 25% match funding.  

Apply for funding