A lantern-lit procession, firepit and a series of crafts workshops will take place at Talbot Woodlands near to Slades Park, welcoming the returning Spring.
Talbot woodlands, near Slades Park, will be illuminated with a procession of candle-lit lanterns to mark the coming Spring on Saturday 17 February. Hosted by local grant giving charity Talbot Village Trust, next month’s ‘Enchanted Spring’ programme celebrates growth, re-awakening, and bloom, as we embrace the returning warmth of the sun.
The day’s activities on Saturday 17 February include creative art and craft workshops in wand and lantern-making, as well as an afternoon firepit and storytelling session at Talbot woodlands. Beginning with a Lantern Making Workshop at 10am, budding makers will join local artist Pauline Stanley to build and craft willow lanterns, used to light a trail into the nearby woodlands later on.
From 2pm, craft enthusiasts join Co-Create artists Rosie Edwards and Anna Shiel to construct magical wands, using materials sourced from our local woodlands. As dusk nears, people are invited to join the lantern-lit procession into the woodland at 4pm, enjoying an interactive storytelling experience and firepit.
Martha Searle, Community and Engagement Lead at Talbot Village Trust, said: “After a wonderfully successful and well-attended festive event for Winter Solstice, we wanted to use our woodland to focus on creativity, wellbeing and positivity again in 2024.
“Research conducted by Exeter University alongside Natural England shows that spending just two hours a week in a natural setting improves mental health and wellbeing – most of the data used was drawn from people visiting woodland sites less than two miles from home.
“Our woodlands beside Slades Park is an ideal place to enjoy nature, and our Enchanted Spring event is a family-focused event and great opportunity to take some time out. Join us to embrace wellbeing and creativity through craft workshops and outdoor storytelling, where we’ll be illuminating our woodland with lanterns for the very first time!”
Book tickets for Enchanted Spring’s arts and crafts sessions