Talbot Village Trust Times

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We're committed to preserving the character, appearance and purpose of Talbot Village and its surrounding conservation area.

Talbot Village is a designated conservation area. We’re dedicated to conserving its character and appearance and continuing the philanthropic legacy of the Talbot sisters.

Homes in the Village

Our almshouses and cottages are let on licence at a reduced rent, held in trust for local people in housing difficulty. Occasionally, these properties become available for re-letting, and we operate a waiting list to prioritise those with the most urgent need.


  • 7 residences
  • Applicants must be 65 years of age or older


  • 16 Grade 2 listed cottages each with a one-acre garden.
  • There are no current vacancies and we have closed the waiting list for new tenancy applications. This process is kept under review.

Supported Accommodation

Various forms of supported accommodation and general needs housing are run in the local area by charitable organisations on behalf of the Trust, under management agreements.

Ability Housing

Supported housing, care or support for those living with learning disabilities, mental health needs, physical or sensory impairments, as well as general needs housing.

Our properties at Talbot Village, Mickleham Close and Mansell Close, are managed by Ability Housing.

Diverse Abilities

Supported accommodation for people with learning disabilities.

Georgina Talbot House

Georgina Talbot House is a development of 34 properties with shared landscaped gardens and a variety of on-site facilities.

"A hundred years ago, this part of the world was a wild moor and haunt of smugglers and poachers. It must have taken a great deal of vision for Miss Talbot to start the enterprise which we now know so well as Talbot Village.

"To purchase the land, build cottages, a school, almshouses and church, needs more than mere compassion, it needs a faith which is put into action, and we are the inheritors of that compassion and faith."

— Sir Thomas Lees, former Chairman of Talbot Village Trust (1925-2016)